Who, The - It's Hard (1982)

1. "Athena" (Townshend) – 3:46
2. "It's Your Turn" (Entwistle) – 3:39
3. "Cooks County" (Townshend) – 3:34
4. "It's Hard" (Townshend) – 3:47 (extended on the 1997 remastered version and had some different guitar parts on the beginning of the song)
5. "Dangerous" (Entwistle) – 3:15 (extended on the 1997 remastered version and the vocals were remixed)
6. "Eminence Front" (Townshend) – 5:39 (on the 1997 remastered version, the vocals were remixed to be on both speakers and used some different bass parts)
7. "I've Known No War" (Townshend) – 5:45 (on the 1997 remastered version, the vocals were remixed)
8. "One Life's Enough" (Townshend) – 2:21
9. "One At A Time" (Entwistle) – 2:55
10. "Why Did I Fall for That" (Townshend) – 3:18 (extended outro on the 1997 remastered version)
11. "A Man Is A Man" (Townshend) – 3:48
12. "Cry If You Want" (Townshend) – 4:35 (extended outro on the 1997 remastered version)


* Roger Daltrey - Vocals, guitar
* Pete Townshend - Guitars, keyboards, synthesizer, vocals
* John Entwistle - Bass guitar, french horn, synthesizer, vocals
* Kenny Jones - Drums
* [with]
* Andy Fairweather-Low - Additional guitar and vocals
* Tim Gorman - Additional keyboards

18.03.2011 nowhere_man | #
3 stars

Tak a týmto nám končia The Who (teda aspoň sa tak zdalo, ale neskôr sa vrátili). Odišli v podstate včas, pretože tento album považujem v ich diskografii za najslabší. Ale ani ich najslabší album nie je taký, že by bol zlý. Úvodná Athena ma slušne pripravila na zážitok. Ale potom prišla séria štyroch skladieb, ktoré ma nezaujali tak, ako som bol u The Who zvyknutý. Všetko však zachránila Eminence front - skvelá skladba, úžasný spev, geniálna basgitara. Jedna z top skladieb kapely. Zo zvyšku sú skvelé ešte One at a time, Why did I fall for that, A man is a man a záverečná Cry if you want. Solídne album, ale ako hovorím, na chvoste tvorby kapely.

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